Monday 15 August 2011

How to attract someone who is not interested (Based on attraction psychology)

Whenever someone thinks about something a lot he starts to become attached to it and he thinks about it even more. Large companies understand this fact and that's why they keep bombarding you with ads all the time.
The subconscious mind absorbs new beliefs by repetition and if something pleasant was repeated enough times the person will become attached to it.
So what does this has to do with attracting someone who is not interested in you?
actually if you managed to let someone think about you more often you will be only few steps away frommaking him fall in love with you even if he wasn't interested in you at all.
Love is nothing more than the state of being obsessed with someone and thinking about him a lot. If you want to attract someone who is not interested in you then you must first learn how to let him think about you more often.

Attracting someone who is not interested means occupying his thoughts

Don't confuse attraction with attracting attention. Its completely easy to attract someone's attention for few moments by doing anything extraordinary or even stupid but after he returns home he wont remember you anymore.
Successful attraction happens when you attract attention in such a way that the person thinks about you even after you leave.
The process of attraction starts by attracting the attention of the target, but not any kind of attention, you want to show him that you have qualities that he is desperately in need of. In such a case even if that person wasn't interested in you he will become attracted to you.
Every person in this world longs for certain traits and would become attracted to anybody who posses them. For example some women are attracted to ambitious men because its a trait that shows that this man might become somebody one day, some men are attracted to women who are demanded by other men because it makes them believe that they have high status. Now the reason someone might not be interested in you is that you didn't show him that you have these traits he is in need of.
Before you try to attract someone's attention try to first collect information about him and to find out the things that would impress him the most.
Does self confidence impress him?
Will perceived popularity impress him?
Can kindness impress her?
Will will power impress her?
In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that the biggest mistake people make when trying to impress others is that they use one size fits all strategies without understanding that what would impress a person might not impress the other.

Turning attraction into obsession

In the beginning you must be available a lot if not all the time so that you make sure that you don't get forgotten. After all the battle for attention is fierce and lots of other things will be competing with you for the attention of that person you are targeting.
You don't just have to be available but you have to keep displaying the impressive qualities you have each time you appear as long as the person is still not interested in you.
Once the person becomes attached to you and gets used to your existence in his life start sending mixed signals, for example become very interested in him one day then completely ignore him the other day.
Keep on sending mixed signals and the other person will start to wonder what are you up to or whether you really like him or not. At this point you can congratulate yourself because you are starting occupying his thoughts.
Keep on doing this and he will think about you even more until he will find it extremely hard to be without you and at this point he is the one who is going to chase you.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.

How to attract someone to you?

Disclaimer: The information i provide in this site should not be used for fooling innocent people, dating or playing around but instead the information is provided for those who are serious about a long term relationship that has marriage as its final goal, I am not responsible for the misuse of such information.
So how to attract someone you like?
and is there some kind of a method that could help you attract people?
Yes there is. The human mind is governed by certain laws that control its operation. If you managed to understand these laws correctly you will be able to manipulate it and use it to your side. In this article i am going to tell you how to attract someone you like by manipulating his mind.

Step by step guide to attracting someone to you

  • It starts with attention: Each day people are bombarded with events, advertisements, phone calls and thoughts. Each of these items usually occupy the person's mind for few seconds to few minutes before they are completely forgotten. The same happens with people, they usually forget those they were with few moments after they leave unless something catches their attention. The first step to attract someone to you is to catch his attention by showing him that you are different and unlike all other people. Don't confuse this with love or attraction, you just want to let the person remember you so that you occupy a little more of his thoughts
  • Turning attention to obsession After you manage to catch the person's attention you should then move on to step two. The human mind always fills the gaps by making conclusions about people and the larger the gap seems the harder will it be for the mind to fill it quickly. If you managed to give little exciting information about you then the person you want to attract will spend a lot of time trying to fill the gap. You should only give the person the starting point for his thoughts by displaying interesting information about you and then allowing his mind to fill the gap with his wide imagination.
  • Impressing the obsessed: If you did the previous steps successfully the person will think about you a lot (still he is not attracted to you) but he is trying to categorize you because you seem mysterious. At this point you can display all of the impressing qualities that you posses especially the ones that the other person is lacks. For example if the person you are trying to attract is shy then you should display self confidence
  • Play on his unmet needs If the person you want to attract lacks intimacy then provide him with intimacy, if he lacks confidence show him that you are confident or if he is afraid of life then show him that you have a lot of courage. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that people are attracted to those who have great qualities that they themselves lack and to those who have similar traits to the ones they like about themselves
  • Turning obsession into need and desire: Once the person becomes obsessed with you the next step should be showing less often and agreeing with your best friends to talk about you positively in your absence in front of him/her. For example one of your friends might say "that guy is brilliant, no wonder all girls all chasing him" By doing so you aren't only providing social proof to the person but you are also igniting his passion as you are not always availble. Don't be predictable and declare your emotions right away because what's predictable is considered boring
At this point the person should have fell for you. Use this information wisely please.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.

How to attract people to you??

After using facebook for three years I realized that different people comment on my status update depending on the topic I am mentioning in the status
In the beginning I noticed that I am only attracting comments from close friends but as I started to mention completely different topics in my status I noticed that I am attracting people who were never attracted to my status before.
In my article Interpersonal attraction I explained how people get attracted to those who resonate with their beliefs, values and interests.
This brings us to a very important conclusion, in order to attract people to you you first need to understand how those people think, what their interests are and what do they believe in.

There is no general formula for attracting people

Based on these facts we can conclude that what would attract Sam won’t attract Bob and what Sarah would find interesting might be completely boring to Jessica.
Do you know how marketers attract people to buy their products? They first determine the type of people they want to attract then they customize their ads and campaigns to match the interests of those people.
In short, in order to attract people to you then you need to understand what makes them tick. I want you to remember how you met your current friends and what are the reasons that made you become friends
You will find that something was common between you both that motivated you to become closer to each other before you became good friends.

Practical steps for attracting people to you

So enough with theory and lets focus on the practical part, here is how to attract people to you:
  • Determine the type of people you want to attract: You need to know your target market just like marketers do
  • Understand them very well: You need to study those people well, understand how they think, behave and what they believe in (see Understanding people's personality)
  • Likes attract likes: As soon as you show signs of similarity those people you are after will get attracted to you

How to make people love you??

2knowmyself has always been the best place to learn the psychology of love and its main focus was teaching people how to make their partners love them. In this article I will talk about another topic that is related to love and that is as important as the ones I talked about before which is learning how to make people love you.
Whether you want to just make friends or to become popular in between them you must one very important skill, which is how to make people love you.

Why do we love certain people??


We don’t suddenly wake up one day then find out that we love a certain person but usually certain events trigger some thoughts in our minds that lead us to admire a certain person. The following are some of the reasons that are based on psychology and that explain why we fall in love with certain people:
  • Superior yet humble: Suppose you met a very popular person, who has a successful career and lots of fans yet you found that he was so humble, wont that make you at least admire him? Yes of course and admiration is the very step towards love. We tend to love people who have better qualities than us and who are in the same time humble
  • Complements that work: If a person has a self image problem or unsure of his looks then telling him that he look great will let him love you!! The point that lots of people don’t understand that complements become really effective when they touch an already existing emotional wound. If you complimented people that way they will surely love you.
  • Motivated to be with you: Love is nothing more than an emotion that motivates you to stay more with a person. Your mind always works for your best interests and will never motivate you to stay with a certain person before it makes sure that this person is of extreme importance to you. If you felt that someone is a God father, a person who teaches you skills that you need or someone who provides various benefits to your life then you will love him.
  • Support them when in need: Overly nice people are usually rejected because they appear to have no friends and appear desperate to win the love of anyone. In order to make people love you then you must support them when they are really in need and not all the time. If someone was stuck then you should offer him help at that moment because it’s the time he needs help the most.
  • Make him feel important: One of the best feelings you could experience is the ego boost you get when someone makes you feel important. If you made people feel their importance and made their achievements appear big even if they were small then most likely they will love. For example if a friend of yours was talking about a certain hobby he has like writing poems or playing guitar then give his story a big importance and make him feel that he is really talented.

How to Make People Admire Me???

  • Show them that you have what they lack: People usually admire others who have what they don't have. A person lacking self-confidence will usually admire and become attracted to a confident person. The weak is attracted to the strong and the coward is attracted to the courageous. Your goal should be finding out what your friends (or anyone else you want to admire you) lack. Then you should try to show them that you have that thing they miss. Even if you don't currently possess this thing,you should do your best to acquire it then show it to people and they will admire you
  • If you don’t know what they lack: The first point leads us to the second point. What if you don’t know what those people lack? That's not really a problem, because statistically most people are not brave, not very self-confident and not strong. All you have to do is build up these qualities in yourself then market yourself to others.
  • Use the law of attraction: People are usually attracted to people who have similar interests to them. The more interests you have in common with other people the more people you will attract and the higher the possibility of being admired by them will become
  • Success Success in any life field will probably let some people admire you since success is something that eludes many. You will also find some people becoming jealous of this success and you may make few enemies. But in the end you can't make people admire you without making some enemies along the way
  • Position yourself well in their minds What is the first thing that comes to someone’s mind when he hears your name? Will it be “respect” , “honesty”, “strength”, “will power” or will it be “loser”? Positioning yourself is simply identifying yourself with a certain image in the minds of others

Don’t Lose Your Identity

One very important thing you should take care of is not to lose your identity just to get accepted by others.
Don’t do things that are against your own beliefs and values just to get admired by others, because if you do, even if you managed to get millions of fans you will never feel self-confident.
2knowmyself is not a simple article website nor it’s a place where you will find shallow fixes, but it’s a place where you will find effective techniques that are backed by psychology and that are presented in obvious and understandable format.


As part of an extended interview/selection centre you may be asked to give a short presentation. Usually you choose the topic from a list which may include your hobbies, a recent holiday, a current affairs topic or one of your achievements, or sometimes you may be asked to make a presentation on a case study you have previously done as part of the extended interview. The purpose is not to test your subject knowledge, but to see how well you can speak in public. Typically you will be asked to talk for five minutes, and will be given 20 or 30 minutes beforehand to prepare.


  • Dress smartly: don't let your appearance distract from what you are saying.
  • Smile. Don't hunch up and shuffle your feet. Have an upright posture. Try to appear confident and enthusiastic.
  • Say hello and smile when you greet the audience: your audience will probably look at you and smile back: an instinctive reaction.
  • Speak clearly, firmly and confidently as this makes you sound in control. Don't speak too quickly: you are likely to speed up and raise the pitch of your voice when nervous. Give the audience time to absorb each point. Don't talk in a monotone the whole time. Lift your head up and address your words to someone near the back of audience. If you think people at the back can't hear, ask them. 
  • Use silence to emphasise points. Before you make a key point pause: this tells the audience that something important is coming. It's also the hallmark of a confident speaker as only these are happy with silences. Nervous speakers tend to gabble on trying to fill every little gap.
  • Keep within the allotted time for your talk.
  • Eye contact is crucial to holding the attention of your audience. Look at everyone in the audience from time to time, not just at your notes or at the PowerPoint slides. Try to involve everyone, not just those directly in front of you.
  • You could try to involve your audience by asking them a question.
  • Don't read out your talk, as this sounds boring and stilted, but refer to brief notes jotted down on small (postcard sized) pieces of card. Don't look at your notes too much as this suggests insecurity and will prevent you making eye contact with the audience.
  • It’s OK to use humour, in moderation, but better to use anecdotes than to rattle off a string of jokes.
  • Take along a wristwatch to help you keep track of time – the assessor may cut you off as soon as you have used the time allocated, whether or not you have finished.
  • It can be very helpful to practise at home in front of a mirror. You can also record your presentation and play it back to yourself: don't judge yourself harshly when you replay this - we always notice our bad points and not the good when hearing or seeing a recording or ourselves! Time how long your talk takes. Run through the talk a few times with a friend.
  • It's normal to be a little nervous. This is a good thing as it will make you more energised. Many people have a fear of speaking in public. Practising will make sure that you are not too anxious. In your mind, visualise yourself giving a confident successful performance. Take a few deep slow breaths before your talk starts and make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly. Research by T Gilovich (Cornell University) found that people who feel embarrassed are convinced their mistakes are much more noticeable than they really are: we focus on our own behaviour more than other people do and so overestimate it's impact. This is called the spotlight effect. If you make a mistake, don't apologise too much, just briefly acknowledge the mistake and continue on. 
  • Build variety into the talk and break it up into sections: apparently, the average person has a three minute attention span!

Tips from Kent students making presentations at interviews:

  • Smile, make eye contact - the usual things. DON'T PANIC!
  • Take a hard copy of your presentation (printed-out) – they were impressed by this and it was a good idea as the laptop crashed anyway.
  • Before attending the assessment centre, details of a presentation which was to be delivered were sent to candidates.The subject of the presentation was very open-ended. Many chose to use PowerPoint, others on OHP. The presentation was given to one assessor: not in front of other candidates.
  • I was asked in advance to prepare a presentation entitled 'How can your degree contribute to the future prosperity of Thames Water?'. This was then presented to a panel of 6. They also asked several questions at the end of the presentation.
  • I practised the presentation a lot. I read aloud with slides as I would present it, until I was happy with it. After each “dress rehearsal” I would normally find something I needed to change. I ran through the whole presentation several times. When practising, use your notes and change slides as you would when you really present it. Make sure you practise your presentation as you will give it; Stand up, speak to the “room”, change slide etc.
    I bought 3 “clip files”, one to hold my notes, and I printed out the slides for the selectors and put these in their own files. One selector used his copy to make notes during the presentation. I printed out a copy of my CV and my online application, to take with me (I read them when I was waiting in car and reception), I'm glad I did this as the selector had copies and referred to them when he asked questions
    The selector said presentation was “good”; I must have done a lot of research and asked where I got all my information (company website, Wikipedia and Google).
  • Prepare thoroughly and ask the Careers Service to help you out because they are very helpful.